SEDR ile tehdit avına çıktığınızda arama işlemlerini hızlandırmanızı sağlayacak kuralları paylaşacağım. Örneğin, son kullanıcılarınızın Chrome tarayıcılarına herhangi bir eklenti kurup kurmadıklarını görmek istiyorsunuz;
Bu preset search ile kolayca tüm clientlardan bu bilgiyi almanız çok kolay.

Bu Arama sonucu aşağıdaki gibi gösterilmektedir.

Bunun gibi yüzlerce kısayol arama terimleri kullanabilirsiniz, en sık kullanılanları aşağıda açıklamalarıyla bulabilirsiniz.

eDsquery : Dsquery process launch detected
eNetGroup : Net process launch with group command detected
eNtds : Copy of Active Directory database file detected
eNewChromeBrowserExtension : New browser extension added to Chrome
eNewFirefoxBrowserExtension : New browser extension added to Firefox
eBitsadmin : Bitsadmin tool usage attempted
eCredentialDumping : Credential dumping attempt detected
eDocExeExtension : A file with a common Document extension is followed by a .exe extension, a common tactic used by malware to take advantage of the default setting in Windows that hides the last extension for known file types, enticing the user to open what appears to be a media file, but is actually a malicious program.
eMediaExeExtension : A file with a common media extension is followed by a .exe extension, a common tactic used by malware to take advantage of the default setting in Windows that hides the last extension for known file types, enticing the user to open what appears to be a media file, but is actually a malicious program.
eADSFileCreation : File creation with Alternate Data Stream detected
eAutomatedCollection : Attempt to collect all files of a certain type detected
eChangeDefaultFileAssoc : Change to default File Association handler detected
eCompressedFileCreation : Compressed file created
eFileAttrHidden : File Attributes is set to hidden
eFileDeletion : File deletion related activity detected
eFileDirectoryDiscovery : File or directory discovery attempt detected
eFolderDeletion : Folder deletion related activity detected
eImportantFileCreation : Important file created
eMakecabCompressedFile : Compressed file created using makecab.exe
eRemoteFileCopy_SND_PECreation : PE Creation from remote location detected
eStartFolder : File creation in startup folder detected
eCtrlPanelItems : Control panel activity detected
eInstallUtil : InstallUtil tool usage detected
eMshta : Microsoft HTML Applications tool usage detected
eMSIExec : Msiexec process launch detected
eMSBuild : Msbuild process launch detected
eTracker : Tracker.exe file tracker utility process launch detected
eArp : Arp process launch detected
eNetshFirewallDiscovery : Netsh used to discover firewall profile properties
eNbtstat : Nbtstat process launch detected
ePing : Ping process launch detected
eSysNetworkConfigDiscovery : System network configuration discovery attempt detected
eSysNetworkConnectionsDiscovery : System network connections discovery attempt detected
eWhoami : Whoami process launch detected
eSMBNetworkProtocol : Network activity over Server Message Block (SMB) detected.
eNetShare : Net process launch with share command detected
eNetUseUser : Network share accessed via user credentials
eNetworkShareConnRemoval : Network share connection removal attempt detected
eNetView : Net process launch with view command detected (net.exe view)
eWindowsAdminShares : Windows admin share access attempt detected
eRegistryRunKeys : Registry key or value set for system run keys or startup folder item keys
eDisableRDPUserAuthentication : RDP user authentication disabled
eEnableRDP : RDP enabled
eRemoteDesktopProtocol : Network connection over Remote Desktop Protocol detected
eRemoteServices : Network connection over remote services detected
eWindowsManagementInstrumentation : Usage of Windows Management Instrumentation detected in command line.
ePS_base64_compressed : Suspicious PowerShell detected: suspicious obfuscated command executed
ePS_download_exec : Suspicious PowerShell detected: content downloaded from a remote location and executed
ePS_download_exec_dll : Suspicious PowerShell detected: .dll downloaded from a remote location and executed
ePS_encoded_command : Encoded PowerShell command executed
ePS_extract_cookies : Suspicious PowerShell detected: extract and store cookies
ePS_fileless : Suspicious PowerShell detected: In-memory malware executed
ePS_hidden_encoded : Suspicious PowerShell detected: suspicious encoded command invoked
ePS_Launch : PowerShell Launch detected: generic PowerShell command
ePS_mimikatz : Malicious PowerShell detected: credential theft
ePS_powersploit : Suspicious PowerShell detected: Powersploit
ePS_registry : Suspicious PowerShell detected: execution of fileless, registry-based script
ePS_sandbox : Suspicious PowerShell detected: anti-analysis technique used
ePS_script_created : Ps1 PowerShell script file created
eCscCompile : Code compiled using csc.exe / Created files by csc.exe
eDataStagedDiscovery : Attempt to stage system information data in file detected
eImageFileExecutionOptionsInjection : Image file execution options injection attempt detected / Image File Execution Options in registry
eNetshAddHelperDLL : Attempt to execute arbitrary code through proxy detected
eRegsvcsRegasm : Regsvcs or Regasm tool usage detected
eRegsvr32 : Launch detected for regsvr32.exe
eRunAs : RunAs used to execute process under a different user account
eRundll32 : Launch detected for rundll32.exe
eScripting : Suspicious launch of scripting tool detected (jscript.dll)
eSuspiciousProtocolPortSearchindexer : Suspicious Protocol-Port Usage By System Processes (searchindexer.exe)
eSuspiciousProtocolPortWuauclt : Suspicious Protocol-Port Usage By System Processes (wuauclt.exe)
eCOMHijacking : Component Object Model modified
eMSDebugger : Microsoft signed debugger process launch detected
ePasswordFilterDLL : Change to Password Filter DLL detected
eUnexpectedLocationWlanapi : System File Launched Or Loaded From Unexpected Location (wlanapi.dll)
eUnexpectedLocationWldap32 : System File Launched Or Loaded From Unexpected Location (wldap32.dll)
eUnexpectedLocationWmasf : System File Launched Or Loaded From Unexpected Location (wmasf.dll)
eUnexpectedLocationWmp : System File Launched Or Loaded From Unexpected Location (wmp.dll)
eUnexpectedLocationWmvcore : System File Launched Or Loaded From Unexpected Location (wmvcore.dll)
eUnexpectedLocationXmllite : System File Launched Or Loaded From Unexpected Location (xmllite.dll)
eWinlogonStartups : Load Point Modification
eDriveByCompromise : Browser process injection detected
eScheduledTask_change : Scheduled task change detected
eAccountDiscovery : Account discovery attempt detected
eAccountManipulation : Account manipulation attempt detected
eCreateAccount : Account created
eSessionLogoff : Session Logoff
eSessionLogon : Session Logon
eSysInfoAccountDiscovery : System information or account discovery attempt detected
eNetUser : Net process launch with user command detected
eWindowsEventLogDeletion : Attempt to Change to Windows Event Logs or Registry Settings
eWindowsEventLogModification : Direct modification of Windows event log files.
eWindowsEventLogsSettings : An attempt was made to modify Windows Event Log settings, possibly with the intent to cause event logs to cease recording malicious events, making forensic investigations more difficult.
eGenericProcessLaunch : Generic process launch event
eProcessClose : Process Termination
eTaskkill : Taskkill execution for unspecified reason detected
eTasklist : Tasklist execution for unspecified reason detected
eModifyExistingService : Modification of existing service detected
eNewService : Creation of new service detected
eSvcExecution : Service execution attempt detected
eSdelete : Sdelete process launch detected
eSysOwnerUserDiscovery : System owner or user discovery attempt detected
eSystemInformationDiscovery : System information discovery attempt detected
eSystemTimeDiscovery : System time discovery attempt detected